Navibuilder Building Intelligence

Competent Person (2019)

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:5 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the ability to apply Cal/OSHA safety standards for the construction industry.

Description: This Navitent will increase the successfulness of applying OSHA's safety standards. This information was taken from the 2019 Cal/OSHA Pocke ... Read More

Summary: Safety Made Simple

Step 1

The next Steps define the Cal/OSHA safety regulations for a 'Competent Person'. Where appropriate, we have referenced the code from Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.

The topics we will cover in this Navitent are:

-What is a Competent Person?
-What is their Authority?
-What is the Required Training?
-When are they Needed?

After each of the next Steps, select the 'Successful' response to indicate that you have read and understand the Step.

Select 'Successful' now and proceed.

Step 2

What is a Competent Person?

A Competent Person is defined in 1504(a) as one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary or dangerous to employees.

Step 3

What is their Authority?

The Competent Person has authority to impose prompt, corrective measures to eliminate these hazards.

Step 4

What is the Required Training?

Some Safety Orders identify specific requirements for the Competent Person’s training, knowledge, abilities, and duties.

Step 5

When are they Needed?

The following is a list of Construction Safety Orders that require the use of a Competent Person:

-Fall protection
-Bolting and Riveting
-Pressurized Worksites
-Lift-slab Construction Operations
-Permit-required Confined Spaces

Step 6

How much did this Navitent help you to understand the Cal/OSHA safety regulations for a 'Competent Person', including:

-What is a 'Competent Person'?
-What is their Authority?
-What is the Required Training?
-When are they Needed?

Select your response below.

Note: while you don't need to remember all the information in this Navitent, you do need to remember that it is in your Navitent library to refer to when you need it. Go to the Title 8 regulations in the CA Code of Regulations and to the CA Labor Code for detailed information regarding the scope, specifications, and exceptions of a particular regulation and for other requirements that may be applicable to their operations.

Elements (1)

Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide (2022)

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