Navibuilder Building Intelligence
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Ambassador Community

Disaster Preparedness
Ambassador: Navibuilder BI
Natural Hazards
Description: In a disaster your most immediate source of help are the neighbors living around you. Fire, police, medical, and 911 personnel will be overwhelmed dealing with immediate life-threatening demands. Prepare for disaster situations to save lives, reduce the severity...
Price: $10
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Featured Navitents

Map Your Neighborhood
Improve the performance of neighborhoods in response to disasters.
3 Navitents | 5 Years
Productive Trail
Why Map Your Neighborhood?
Improve the performance of neighborhoods in response to disasters.
5 Steps | 15 Minutes
Instructive Trail
Map Your Neighborhood: For Leaders
Improve the performance of neighborhoods in response to disasters.
18 Steps | 60 Minutes
Productive Trail
Map Your Neighborhood: Meeting
Improve the performance of neighborhoods in response to disasters.
21 Steps | 90 Minutes
GOAL: Turn your education into the highest levels of achievement and fulfillment in the workplace.

Ambassador Community

Career Guidance
Ambassador: Brian Golter
Workforce Resiliency
Description: From the book, 'Your Right Job Right Now', this Campfire will direct you, step-by-step, in how to turn your educational experience into the highest levels of fulfillment and achievement in the workplace.
Price: FREE
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Featured Navitents

Cognitive Trail
Students Trekking Toward An Exceptional Career
Increase the success of finding fulfillment in your career.
7 Steps | 10 Minutes
Journey To Your Right Job Right Now For Students
Increase the success of turning your education into an exceptional career.
37 Navitents | 5 Months
Get The Job Offer!
Increase the ability to become one of the world's Best Interviewees.
7 Navitents | 1 Day
GOAL: Help each member increase their level of confidence in finding their right job, right now.

Ambassador Community

Job Search
Ambassador: Brian Golter
Workforce Resiliency
Description: From 'Your Right Job Right Now', this community transforms the pages of the book into a state-of-the-art, step-by-step, training program for pre-employed job seekers. Included are the top 'Secret Dos' (behaviors) that result in job search success-even ...
Price: $10
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Featured Navitents

Get The Job Offer!
Increase the ability to become one of the world's Best Interviewees.
7 Navitents | 1 Day
Journey To Your Right Job Right Now: Pre-Employed
Increase the success of finding your right job, right now.
69 Navitents | 30 Days
Checklist for Maintaining Your Right Job Right Now (Corporate)
Improve the ability to experience more achievement and fulfillment in the workplace.
12 Navitents | 5 Days
1. Preview The Module
Preview a Module and participate in the Ambassador community by trying any of the Navitents and commenting to the community or directly to the Navitent Publisher.
2. Add to Your Account
To obtain a Module for your account, click Add or Buy Module (there may be a fee), which will instantly add it to your Community Page to tailor and invite members.
3. Make Ambassadors
Ambassadors are other users you designate in Manage Members that can manage Module members, Navitents and post in the community. Your Module may come with an Ambassador you can keep on board.
4. Customize It
Change the community's branding and add or subtract Navitents based on your needs. Associate Modules with each other and in categories that accommodate your organizational structure.
5. Invite Members
Invite members to join your Module Communities and allow them to invite others by setting the permissions to Open Invite in the Edit Community option.
6. Track Module Goals
Use your Notifications, Messages and DeeperMatrx™ to track activity, usage and postings.
Featured Modules
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Navibuilder is built on many years of master craftsman experience and success in very demanding environments, as evidenced by the leading positions of its founder, influencers, and advisors. Led by John Mitchell, Navibuilder is dedicated to the legacy of craftsmanship.

Mission: Create an AI based on Master Craftsman Subject Matter Expertise: from grants for climate change, enlightened DEI policies (that uplift all populations and grow the industry base), to building science and technologies, and more. To integrate all disciplines that grow healthier, more sustainable, more resilient, and more diverse communities - built by healthier, more sustainable, more resilient and more diverse organizations, in the greatest traditions of craftsmanship.

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